
About Page Turner ID

Did you know that Indonesia was ranked 72 out of 78 countries for their literacy level in 2019? The survey finding from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) pressed concerns to two individuals, who teamed up to create Page Turner ID.

Our organization focuses on fostering the love of reading to youths alike, assisting them in developing their reading comprehension and joy of learning.

What’s our priority?


  1. We strive to foster a love of reading for Indonesian youths in order to increase literacy across the nation.


  1. We aim to increase literacy among Indonesians with our campaigns, events, and social programs.
  2. We inspire Indonesian Youths to love to read, creating a positive impact towards continuous development and life-long learning.

Our Founders

Mariette Wahyuningsih M, or better known as Mary, graduated from Universitas Gadjah Mada and majored in English Literature. Her love of reading flourished when she was a kid, often times alone with books in her hands. Her goal in life is to share her love of reading with as many Indonesian youths as possible.

Margaretha Indra Pratiwi is a Physics bachelor’s graduate from Universitas Indonesia. Her page-turner experience inspires her to become a writer of both fictions (spot her with her secret pen name!) and scientific papers during her studies. Concerned about the literacy rate in Indonesia, she wants to help society start reading from zero ’til they find their page-turner experience to be shared with the world.


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